Saturday 4 June 2011

Transformers Phone Call To Insurance Company

Call Centre: “Good morning, Life Insurance Corporation Of India.”

Sam Witwicky: “Yeah, hi. I was just wondering if you could tell me how many miles I declared on my initial insurance application with yourselves?”

Call Centre: “By all means sir… It says here that your vehicle does 9,000 miles a year. Is this something you’d like to alter?”

Sam Witwicky: “Well, I’m not sure. It’s just I was talking to my car the other day, and he claims that he’s not actually a Chevvy Camaro, but a robot who’s come from outer space to fight other robots. Anyway, he says that he’s travelled lightyears to get here, but he’s only showing 40k on the clock. Is this my problem or d’you reckon the dealer is fiddling the paperwork?”

Call Centre: “I’m sorry sir, but did you say your car was talking to you?”

Sam Witwicky: “Yeah, but I don’t see how that affects the insurance.”

Call Centre: “That’s true, but…”

Sam Witwicky: “Oh, on that note: Will my premium get any cheaper if my car isn’t a car all the time?”

Call Centre: “…What?”

Sam Witwicky: “Well, sometimes he’s a robot.”

Call Centre: “A robot.”

Sam Witwicky: “That’s correct.”

Call Centre: “That fights other robots.”

Sam Witwicky: “Yep.”

Call Centre: “From space.”

Sam Witwicky: “Yah-huh.”

Call Centre: “I’ll be honest with you sir, in light of that extra information we’ll probably struggle to give you a quote… “



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